How does it Work?

Body work is an essential part of therapeutic processes since life experiences, even from conception, are registered by and stored within our body and nervous system.

When we face challenging or traumatic situations and we do not have the personal resources to cope with them or even to understand them, physical, behavioral and/or psycho-emotional patterns are generated. Although these patterns have helped us adapt and move forward with our lives in the best possible way, they also leave an imprint within us. Our posture changes, areas of the body become tense, pain or discomfort arises, it is difficult for us to face certain situations, anger and grief are deregulated, it is difficult to sleep, etc.

As time goes by and without us noticing, we continue to act and react from the neural pathway learned from these experiences and our patterns are activated unconsciously when something reminds us of them. Accompanying the body become aware that these situations are no longer going on and that therefore, it is not necessary to maintain these patterns, we will have more energy available to be able to get closer to our health and well-being.

As practitioners, we search for a space within us that observes and listens to the body with neutrality, setting aside judgment and any personal desire to heal or rearrange the anatomical structures of the client. We fully trust in the innate ability and wisdom of body to get closer to health, accompanying the client with support and co-regulation. We connect with our body and health and make non-invasive contacts to listen and witness the body’s imprint of experiences.

This way of listening allows the client's system to feel safe to reveal itself as it is, to recognize and listen to themselves as a whole without judgment, to share their story as well as to connect with their resources and inner strength, in order to begin their healing process with their own organic tools.

“Allow physiological function to express its own unerring potency rather than applying blind external forces.” Dr. William G. Sutherland (1873-1954).

