What is It?

With its origins in Osteopathy, Craniosacral Biodynamics is a profound and subtle therapy where the practitioner, through a light contact with the body of the patient, assists in physical and emotional healing processes.

This is a non-manipulative technique which seeks to hold a space for the body while it accesses its own health.

“I try to restore health. I am not trying to correct the problem. Thus, I open the door for the body to do what it needs to do with its own life force” Dr. Rollin E. Becker

We listen to the body through our senses, then work with the signs it presents. It’s the system of the patient who shows the practitioner where to make contact. It may reveal general or specific areas such as the bones, membranes, diaphragms, joints, etc. Together, the patient and the practitioner build the treatment that the system requires to restore health.

Brief Historical Overview

The foundations of this therapy were born with the work of William G. Sutherland D.O. (1873-1954), the founder of Cranial Osteopathy. Sutherland began with a biomechanical approach, applying soft external forces to the skull to correct imbalances present in the body. Over time he left the approach of physical manipulations behind, moving towards a model which focuses on the body’s innate ability to balance itself. This method encourages the system of the patient to find the tools for its own healing process.

The Osteopaths Rollin Becker D.O. (1919-1996) and James S. Jealous D.O. (1943-) later deepened and expanded Sutherland´s findings. Inspired by the work of Becker, the British Osteopath Franklyn Sills D.O., established the name of Biodynamic Craniosacral Therapy in the early 1990’s.

